Scroll down to review the Existing Conditions documents and the Summary of Public Input.
Stay tuned for additional draft documents as they become available!
The concept development phase of Envision Elk Grove is now complete. This phase involved the creation of two documents. Corridor Design Options presents enhancements to Elk Grove Village's corridors. It includes community-wide design possibilities as well as potential enhancements to specific corridors.
Redevelopment Sites Concept Alternatives presents several concept alternatives for the Village's redevelopment sites. Each concept alternative represents a vision of what the site could be like in the future. The concept alternatives are intended to convey development ideas and goals, rather than highly specific development plans.
The next phase of the project is the Concepts Finalization and Prioritization phase. Here the Village will refine the concepts, and in some cases a preferred option may be identified.
The existing conditions phase of Envision Elk Grove is now complete.
The primary focus of this phase involved gaining an understanding of and documenting the existing conditions in the Corridors and Redevelopment Sites. It also involved a deep dive into the Village’s current Business Services toolkit and review and evaluation of conditions within the Business Park.
The resulting documents summarize existing conditions, challenges, and opportunities for each respective area.
The next phase of the project will present draft concepts for the Corridors and Redevelopment Sites. It will also include specific recommendations for the Village’s Business Services and Business Park.
Existing Conditions - Corridors (11.1.23).pdf Click Link to View Large File
Elk Grove Village hosted an online map-based survey, which was promoted in conjunction with the Community Survey and Business Park Survey in order to gather perspectives from residents, property owners, and businesses. Online outreach efforts included a Community Survey, a Business Park Survey, and an Interactive Map Survey. All three were open between May 16 and June 12, 2023, and were promoted through numerous avenues.
Scroll down for Summary Documents that you can review.
Additional public input will be gathered in later phases of the Envision Elk Grove planning process.
On June 6, 2023, Elk Grove Village hosted three Focus Group meetings with community stakeholders. Over 24 people participated in these meetings, which took place in person at the municipal building. Stakeholders were grouped into three topic areas: Real Estate and Enterprise, Community Organizations, and Business Park Business Owners & Tenants.
Intended to gather general perceptions from residents on the Village and its future growth, the Community Survey included questions to gather basic demographic data, local perceptions of existing conditions in Elk Grove Village, and opinions on how the community should grow in the future. A total of 1,191 people completed the survey, representing a response rate of over 3% of the Village’s total population.
An online interactive map was developed to gather input on specific geographic locations in the Village, focusing on corridors, potential redevelopment sites, and the Elk Grove Business Park. Participants could add map features and add comments with additional thoughts and ideas. In total, participants added 271 unique features to the interactive map.
The Business Park Survey was oriented to businesses and property owners in the Elk Grove Business Park. It included questions to gather basic profiles of the respondents, information about their company, factors impacting their decision to locate in Elk Grove, and perspectives on local government and physical infrastructure in the Business Park. A total of 82 individuals completed the survey.
Village website: